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WikiBit Supervisors Gathering Event Has Reached Millions of Users, Sparking Global Discussions!

WikiBit Supervisors Gathering Event Has Reached Millions of Users, Sparking Global Discussions! WikiBit 2024-05-11 11:03

The Global Supervisors Gathering event launched by WikiBit on April 26 has attracted over 956,000 participants. We have compiled a list of award winners based on the feedback that has been adopted. The event is still ongoing and participants can continue to join to earn rewards! Act fast and join to seize the opportunity to earn rewards!

To continuously optimize the outstanding user experience and service quality, WikiBit launched the “Global Supervisors Gathering” event on April 26th, with a commitment of $5,000 as incentives. This event sincerely invites global users to participate together in the comprehensive and all-round supervision and feedback of WikiBits content. Once the submitted opinions are reviewed and approved, users can receive generous rewards, with a maximum reward of $15 for a single submission!

The event has reached over 956,000 people just one week since its launch, successfully attracting 89,768 users to participate in discussions. WikiBit has received enthusiastic responses and active submissions from over a thousand users from more than 20 countries and regions worldwide. Among them, Mr. Koryc Mark from Nigeria was honored with the title of Global Star Supervisor with an impressive 15 submissions!

WikiBit has rigorously reviewed and carefully considered all user feedback and contributions. To show our recognition and gratitude for user contributions, we have established different levels of rewards. For submitted and accepted feedback and suggestions, corresponding rewards will be given (details can be found in the official reward announcement). Some submissions focused on functional suggestions and product experience feedback, which were considered off-topic for the event but still contained valuable suggestions.

Looking ahead, WikiBit will continue to listen to user feedback and improve our services based on your input, aiming to create a better user experience. We firmly believe that we can create a more open and transparent environment for the crypto industry with the participation and support of each user, providing investors with a more stable and secure trading platform.

WikiBit expresses heartfelt gratitude and deep respect to all users who participated in the event. Thank you for your enthusiastic support and valuable contributions. Lets work together to promote the crypto market towards a more open, transparent, and stable direction.

Currently, the “Global Supervisors Gathering” event is still ongoing, and we eagerly look forward to your continued participation and contributions as we strive to build a safe, fair, and authoritative third-party information service platform for the crypto industry.

Quick participation:

Just a few simple steps to enter the exclusive channel and submit your screenshots.

Overview of award information:

Interested in the award details? Click here for the public announcement of the Global Supervisors.


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